

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Happenings in Hobbs...

So this is more like two weeks in review, but here's the skinny...

Spring break was awesome. Family was great. The girls love love loved all the attention and all the fun activities.

Now, it's back to normality.  Kinsey, the easy child, has had no problem getting back in the swing of things. She been getting up a little early for her, but then naps have come easier as has bedtime. Indy, the not-so-easy child, has not adjusted. She liked Indiana. She liked all the people... Who were always willing and able to hold her. So, of course, now she wants to held all the time! And also, she's a huge fan of the fact that she got to sleep with me, no questions asked. I'd say she sleeps about two hours a night in her own crib.  Dislike!

Looking forward to planning more fun activities for the girls, and honestly me.

PS. I love comments!  Feel free.


  1. Love the new header/collage! Glad you had a good trip...did you wave at us on the way home too??

  2. Thanks so much for coming go home for Spring Break. We loved, loved having you guys home. We miss you guys everyday!! Xoxo. Sis

  3. I think it's a baby thing as well. They like the extra holding and sleeping with mom and dad. So...good luck getting back into a schedule. I'm so glad you all got to visit with everyone. Welcome back to the desert!
