

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Worst. Night. Sleep. Ever.

Laundry. Pack. Clean the house so if looks presentable if anyone should want to buy it while we're gone. Give both girls a bath and get them off to dreamland. Pack some more. Head off to bed, finally.

11:40p-Finally in bed, asleep by 11:40:01. 

12:29a-Indy wakes up. Expletive expletive!  Pull her into bed and feed her in hopes she'll go back to sleep. 

1:23a-She's still semi awake, semi eating.  More expletives and one very loud "Oh god, please, go back to sleep!" Okay, this isn't working, lots of kicking, head slinging, and general fighting. Let's try no swaddle wrap. 

1:39a-No, that's not going to work, either. Too much arm slinging and constant pacifier removal.  I begin to bargain, you can have one arm and we'll switch sides. Time elapse around 10 minutes. 

2:03a-Oh, no! You go back to bed! As she stood next to the bed, hands over her mouth, I knew she was scared. I tear myself away from #2, quite literally. I silently wish dad good luck.  Scoop up Poop and head back to her room.  She has a death grip on me and completely breaks me.  So, I sit down and rock her. 

2:13a-She asleep! One down!

2:17a-So maybe I'm the problem, Poops Jr. is asleep, too! Put her back in her crib.  Quick potty break. Grab a Tums and ew, Tums and wax down mix.  

2:37a-Ugh! Why is she crying again? Turn on the loud Great Barrier Reef Soother. Stick the pacifier back in. 

2:39a-Pull the covers over my head.

2:40a-Finally back to sleep.

4:00a-Oooo, crap! Is that my alarm already?

6:00a-Head Out. 

Final destination, Indiana.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


That hurts.  I think I have a pretty high tolerance for pain and I think it could always be worse so "suck it up." But ouch! Just ouch.  The spacers were annoying at first and as they began to move things around, they began to cause some pain and tenderness in my teeth and gums.  I only had them for a week, I guess most have them for two weeks. But I was eager to get this two year process started. Well, maybe eager isn't the right word here.  Stupid, sounds more fitting now.  Of course, they didn't warn me last week, all this info was new after they started fitting me with the brackets and bands. Only then did I get the ol' well you teeth and gum are really tender and this is going to hurt more business.  So, after I get fitted and they put the braces on, I get three more, new spacers.  Seriously! It's like some sort of medieval torture device.  They were painful last night but today...OOo today... I can't eat. I got Subway, thinking that's soft. Yeah, even in Hobbs, their bread is soft.  That was a miserable lunch/mistake. I'm going to a liquids diet for a couple of days.  So here it is:

That's my new face. At least that's what I think everyone is looking at.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Week in review.

Just an ordinary week with a couple of high notes...

In the world of teeth:
Indy got her second tooth. She now has the two front bottom. No fever or diaherra or anything crazy like that but a lot of fuzziness.  I've scheduled Kinsey's first dentist appointment, now that she has all 20. April 13th is her big day.  My BIG day will be Wednesday, when I get braces... not the kind you get on your legs either. I will allegedly have them for two years. Ouch.

Indy had a doctors appointment today. Just a standard well child check with shots. She weighs in at 13 lbs 14 oz and is now 26 3/4 inches tall.  This puts her in the 7th percentile for weight and 95 percentile for height.  Another tall skinny girl!  

Indy had butternut squash for the first time this morning. I'm now waiting for orange poop.  She liked it. So far so good with her on the foods but as of now I've only made apples, sweet potatoes and the squash. We haven't tried the potatoes yet although the 7th percentile isn't a good indicator, this girl eats.  

Kinsey first words when she ran through the doors this morning at PDO were "I'm going to Indiana!" (her hands went up on Indiana).  This is a big change from the normal, "Hi, Mrs Debbie!" (her hands go up on Hi). She's so excited.

On a side note, I need a little something more clever than a weekly "Week in Review." suggestions welcomed.  

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Brace face

Um, yeah. Next week at this time I'll be a metal mouth.  Got spacers put in today.  I'm having some anxiety already. But it's far beyond time to get these things fixed.  

Monday, March 7, 2011

Week in Review

We had a sick house this week. After a visit to the doctor we know: Indy, while snotty, is fine. She did get some meds to help dry her up. Kinsey on the other hand, the one I was least concerned with because she hadn't complained but was snotty too, yeah, she is the one who got to come home with four different meds. Four! I had to make a med chart!  Brings back great Cheever memories. She has an ear infection and her sinuses didn't look great. Ear drops, nasal spray, amoxicillin, and Claritin.

On the upside of that visit we now know that Kinsey is 34 lbs 2 oz and 39" tall. (When do you start using feet? Now, perhaps.)  Kinsey is 3 ft 3 in tall! Indy is 13 lbs 12 oz. and 25 1/4". That's always fun to know.  

On Wednesday, I purchased plane tickets.  Spring break vacation, family style. Excepted without Rocket, whom I just made reservations for him to go to a very exotic resort known as the Double J Animal Hospital.

This week was quite a roller coaster ride with Kinsey and her monster. At first she was scared of "monster," then he became somewhat of an imaginary friend.  When she woke up at night scared of the monster I had to remind her that we made him leave. So, then she was like oh he's outside, momma go check on him. Not to make sure he was still there but that he was okay. Then the next morning she let him inside so he could get ready and go to school with her.  Then next night when she woke up screaming/crying because of monster... Daddy made him go away.  Forever. There's been talk of him only once or twice but she is reminded that daddy made him leave. Isn't it crazy how a two year olds mind works?    

I had my three month follow up. Test results due back in one week.  But she doesn't foresee any issues nor does it appear from the looks of things there is any recurrence. Fingers are crossed.

Also in fun news of the week, Kinsey is no longer allowed to eat raisins. I had to use tweezer to remove one from her nose. Insert your own ewwing noises here.

Indy has a tooth! She was really fussy yesterday morning so I gave her a teether and she went to town gnawing on that thing. She had red marks on her face and her fingers were frozen from it but she didn't mind. I know it's not a good picture of it but all the others had her tongue in the way.

Look who's sitting up.

For about 30 seconds anyways. Longer if she's not trying to grab something.

 Catch the kid or get the picture? Good mom, right?

When it's warm 
She loves to blow bubbles and Rocket loves it, too.

Only cool homework of the week. Zoom blur.  But in class tomorrow we'll be working with glow sticks!  
Until next week. Unless something fun happens!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Week in Review

The short and quick of it this week:

  • Indy's 6 months old.
  • Kinsey's potty trained (she think that's a potty choo choo train ed).
  • Indy can sit unsupported for about 4 seconds. I hope to improve this by next week.
  • Kinsey should be asleep right now but probably isn't.
  • Indy ate apples for the first time and liked them. Mostly.
  • Rusty, after much thought, said "no," to Duke and thus Charlotte, NC.
  • Kinsey is excited to go on a plane and go to "Grandma's house," "See Josh," go to "Sissy's house," "See Katie," "See Pappy." 
  • I declared victory on Indy's sleep way too soon.
  • No cool homework this week. Class is in 2 hours and I just got it done.