

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Shades of blue

My friend, Beth, is having a baby. It's a boy. AND SOON. I am certain he will come this Thursday. Several other friends of mine were either suckered into helping or wanted to help. Not sure which is true. Either way, I'm extremely grateful to them for helping me pull off a shower that everyone seemed to enjoy. Super big shout out (if people still say it like that) to Arlene Britt and Amanda Briggs!!
Anyhwho, what better theme for a boy baby shower than blue. Now, since there are close to a million shades of blue, we decided to not just pick one color but any shade of blue and call it a "Shades of Blue" themed party.  That's like one of the smartest things I've ever done party planning wise. It's easy. It's cute. And everything matches.

BLUE velvet. Aren't they beautiful? (Love Pinterest!)

Even prettier with some cream cheese icing! 


Diaper wreath. W is not for welcome in this case. It's for Wakefield.
Did I mention this boy is still nameless?
How do you like that for "Shades of Blue?" 
The food! As catered by Arlene's Free Catering (and delivering) Service. ;)
The party favors.
A closer look.

Name that nursery rhyme.
Guess the date.
The guest hard at work

The gifts.


The Guest of Honor.

Applique onesies for shower-turned-craft-party!
Even on the bottom!

Aren't these adorable?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Summer, summer, summer time...

Because our summer was so busy, I started this blog and never finished it. Here's the incomplete version of our summertime highlights.

It's the 4th of July and we are ready to see some fireworks. With Dude even.

We took a trip to Mohanan's State park. We went there to do some sledding.  Fail.

Daddy and Kinsey

Dude helped her walk up there.

Ready. Set. Nope. 

Abandon ship and run down. That has to be more fun.  These things did not slide down the hill.

Even with a good ol' push.

It was super hot out, so me and Indy stayed in the shade.

Do you know how quickly red heads burn?

Another try. With similar outcome.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Watch her grow. The Indy edition.

It's late. I admit it. It's really late. But here it is. Watch her grow.

Birth day

Meeting her big sister

Getting ready to go home.

First photo shoot

Laying in the sun

Tummy time

Happy Halloween

Christmas card prep

Meeting Santa

Just had breakfast with Santa

Christmas on the Pecos

Annual family Christmas tree outing

Children's Museum Indianapolis

Christmas Day

Game Day

Learning to eat solids

Napping in the swing

Helping with my homework

She looks just like her sister. 

Learning to sit

St Patrick's day

Spring Break

Living Desert

At the park


First bath in the big tub

Sister is feeding the ducks
First trip to the pool

Kiddie pool

Charlestown State Park for Mamaw's birthday


Monahan's State Park


At the Fair

First day at PDO

Birthday girl!