

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Christmas Spirit.

The story goes a little something like this...

A week or two ago, a friend tells me her children don't get more than three gifts for Christmas. Why three? Well, because, Jesus himself only got three gifts. 

Nod and smile. But the more I think about it, the more I like this idea. 

While on a date with my husband I mention this. Thankfully, we were on a date and out of ear shot of the kids because his responses was, "Yeah, but one of those gifts was gold! Do you know the price of gold these days?!"


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

It's October.

While Halloween candy has been on the shelves for months now, it's my belief that you cannot start decorating for Halloween until October 1st.  We were Racing for a Cure on October 1st, so October 3th was as close as we could get.  Kinsey's able to do a lot more things with me this year and I LOVE IT!
Here are some of our decorations:

Woody pumpkin

Buzz pumpkin

The cutest two girls in the world!

Hi, everyone! 

Paint on lots of glue.


Add sprinkles and wait for it to dry.

This one is the start mine.

One proud little girl on her way to the front porch.

Place it on display.


And smile.

Little sister trying to check things out.

Indy likes pumpkins.

Mommy's and Kinsey's

Plus, our Halloween wreath made with a swimming noodle.  

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Last week.

It's all kinda a blur. Our weeks are busy. I like that and I'm not complaining.  A typical week is
Monday - little school (this is what Kinsey calls Parent's Day Out).
Tuesday - big school (this is preschool),  dance class and typically a take Rocket to the vet day (at least for the last two months anyways).
Wednesday -  little school and soccer practice.
Thursday - big school.
Friday is our day off. But now that the weather is cooling off there will be more playdates in the park.
Saturday is soccer game day.
Sunday is reserved for football and laundry.
I admit on paper it doesn't look busy at all. But it seems this Stay At Home Mom doesn't stay home very much.
This week we had some extra fun sprinkled in.
We went to the homecoming parade. Neither girl was sold on the idea of sitting in the 90 degree weather with the sun beating down on us to listen to ridiculously loud sirens directly in front of us. That was, of course, until the candy began flying.  They loved the parade.
This week included Rocket's amputation. He went in on Wednesday and came home Sunday. He went back in this morning.  He appears to be doing well. He is walking on all fours once again. And is in the cone of shame, again.
We Raced for the Cure this week, too. This year we were smart about it. We got a room in Lubbock for Friday night. Then on Saturday morning we got up and walked across the street. That beats the crap outta getting up at 3:30am to get ready and drive up. The race was great.

Until next time.

The Parade.

Indy's view.

Kinsey and some Tiger. IDK. I thought Hobbs were Eagles.

Race day!

She's just too cute.

I don't know what those girls are trying to talk him into...

That's her game face! 

This is how they "race."

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Shades of blue

My friend, Beth, is having a baby. It's a boy. AND SOON. I am certain he will come this Thursday. Several other friends of mine were either suckered into helping or wanted to help. Not sure which is true. Either way, I'm extremely grateful to them for helping me pull off a shower that everyone seemed to enjoy. Super big shout out (if people still say it like that) to Arlene Britt and Amanda Briggs!!
Anyhwho, what better theme for a boy baby shower than blue. Now, since there are close to a million shades of blue, we decided to not just pick one color but any shade of blue and call it a "Shades of Blue" themed party.  That's like one of the smartest things I've ever done party planning wise. It's easy. It's cute. And everything matches.

BLUE velvet. Aren't they beautiful? (Love Pinterest!)

Even prettier with some cream cheese icing! 


Diaper wreath. W is not for welcome in this case. It's for Wakefield.
Did I mention this boy is still nameless?
How do you like that for "Shades of Blue?" 
The food! As catered by Arlene's Free Catering (and delivering) Service. ;)
The party favors.
A closer look.

Name that nursery rhyme.
Guess the date.
The guest hard at work

The gifts.


The Guest of Honor.

Applique onesies for shower-turned-craft-party!
Even on the bottom!

Aren't these adorable?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Summer, summer, summer time...

Because our summer was so busy, I started this blog and never finished it. Here's the incomplete version of our summertime highlights.

It's the 4th of July and we are ready to see some fireworks. With Dude even.

We took a trip to Mohanan's State park. We went there to do some sledding.  Fail.

Daddy and Kinsey

Dude helped her walk up there.

Ready. Set. Nope. 

Abandon ship and run down. That has to be more fun.  These things did not slide down the hill.

Even with a good ol' push.

It was super hot out, so me and Indy stayed in the shade.

Do you know how quickly red heads burn?

Another try. With similar outcome.